The following snippets have been delivered (mostly through demo'ing) via web, email, personal verbal threat, etc.. I tend not to read too much into them. Feel free to add to them via email, or by leaving a comment here. If they're gushing enough, or raise a smile, then chances are they'll get added to this page. Then again, chances are, they won't.
"Nice site. All those Evertonian colours - be terrible in red, and you know it!"
- Ian Mitchell, Next.
"Eh? Don't have a use for it. Sorry. Do you do an MP3 converter?"
- Sally Walsh, Atos Origin
"Brilliant! Had an orgasm the minute I saw it, and I don't have many of those these days"
- Eileen Jones, United Biscuits.
"Wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him! But then I say that about every joker who's disturbed me from my slumber at 3 in the morning"
- Rick Jones, IBM.
"You ******* dark horse!"
- Fred Rebello, Croydon, Surrey.
"For a free tool, incredibly useful."
- Peter Westberg, Dundee MF.
"Do I get paid for all that system testing? I'm not a charity you know?"
- Phil McLoughlin, Allders.
"Only bitch was I couldn't set it up without enlisting the aid of a puritanical unix gobshite, whose beloved system I once got on the wrong side of!"
- Neall Dolan, Fair Fingal.
"This software is shit - you'd be much better off with mine"
- Jon Olley
"I know there's a support issue, but still seems to me that you're doing yourself a great disservice - this site would've happily paid for it."
- The Dumpster.
"I work in Australia, and I'd like to put potential users minds at rest and let everyone know it does work upside down."
- Martin Grindley.
"Didn't realise we had so many useless items in our schedules! Looks like you've made some work for me to do!"
- Marie.